This week was a lot of ‘getting back on track’ with things. The holidays
always throw routines out of whack, and I find – personally, since I'm driving around so much – that it takes a
while for me to find me groove again.
This past week saw a lot of interesting ‘things’
I began the
366pages project that I had signed up for, I have already shared
with you some pages. I’m finding myself waking up and looking forward to working
in it. It’s different and it challenges me in new ways. It’s part of my plan to
explore new artistic mediums and to
really develop as an artist this
year (since I’m not in school, and I have employment). I can put the time and energy towards creatively looking at different things, and finding what works for me. I also have the income to be able to 'dispose' on art materials that I didn't always have before.

I made of list of ‘firsts’ that I
want to complete in 2012 (so no
unrealistic ‘backpacking through Europe’ goals – since I know that’s not in the
cards lol). It was hard, I won’t lie.
But, what it made me realize more
than what I want to do – is what I
have done: jumped off waterfalls in
foreign countries? check! Zip lining? Check! All that Toronto sight-seeing (as
of this past December) Check, check, check! Try new foods? Check! (I’m
constantly doing this, so it didn’t seem fair to put in). Piercings? Check!
No tattoos – it’s more I have such a wondering mind, I could never
decide. Anyways, this is the list I came up with:
I created a “to-do” for January, that includes major cleaning of the
bathroom – there’s not good ventilation, and with steamy showers I want to be
steps ahead of potential mould. Reorganizing life, and trying to make my
apartment look like a 25 year old lives in it, not a 18 year old –
worry, there’s not stuffed animals or anything, it’s just cluttered and
disarrayed most of the time. Eat all the food in the freezer – I think I
have more than enough protein’s to last well past the month – it’s just
focussing on eating those, and not getting more. Also, no new art supplies. I
know this seems ‘odd’ for an artist – but I’m going to use this month, and
possible next to try and use up odds and ends, and essentially
get rid of clutter. This will also force me to be a bit more creative as I get
down to the nitty gritty.
That being said, I did have a small ‘lapse’, although personally I don’t
think it counts as it’s not ‘art supplies’. It also counts as number one on my lists of firsts! I purchased a ‘
Project Life’ kit, in
an effort to start keeping track of photos a little more creatively. I know I
would never be able to do the full blown scrapbooking, since I want to avoid the
clutter that comes with that. So this will work out a bit better. I’ll let you
all know when it arrives. I’m excited for it! I know most people are doing a
‘picture a day’ sort of thing, but with the cost of this kit, I want to stretch
it over the next few years.
And less face it – an album, a year: we’d be
drowning in books before we knew it! So it’s more of a quality vs. quantity
with this one.
I’ve also done some more work on my sketchbook project for 2012: