Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's a Celebration!

Celebration - watercolor on 9x12" 140lb watercolor paper

I've been busy working away in my studio, just getting a sudden urge of painting out of my system. I have tons to show you, but I won't post it all in one go :)

I've also been making a lot of ACEOs lately too (small pieces of artwork, like mini-paintings). I love presenting the in frames, they're just so dainty!

Green Tree Watercolor ACEO

And, I've also been experimenting with my watercolor techniques and have come up with an interesting piece:

Forest Ablaze - watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper

This piece and the watercolours ACEOs were in a new part of my shop: Original Paintings under $25. In this new section will be my ACEOs, 'experimental paintings', and other bits and pieces of work. It's a great place to find some great deals and affordable art!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

I love the golden poppies!