Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watercolour Wednesday: Fox Nap

Fox Nap - 9x12" watercolour

A little red fox taking a break for a warm nap in her den.

I have been wanting to paint something with this sort of blue hue and bright red in a long time, and this idea came to mind. I was going to name this piece somewhere along the lines of hibernation - but then I found out that red foxes do not hibernate through the winter months. Oh well, this little lovely is having a sound snooze in her den before she braves the cold again.

The original painting is available for sale on Etsy.

Here is the progress of painting the fox:

1. First I pencil sketch her onto my watercolour paper. Putting items / animals with my trees take a bit more planning, drawing-wise:

2. Next I colour her in with a 'flood' of Cadium Red. I don't start my shading just yet. But I do 'reserve' the white portion of her tail. I let this dry before I continue.
2. Next I add in shading along the outlines of my dear Ms. Fox, as well as shadows in 'deeper' portion her her body. I do this by adding small amounts of Prussian Blue and building up the layers and outlines. And then she's done!


Anonymous said...

Great post, it's interesting to see your process!

Jacqueline said...

Wow - you must have a steady hand! kudos - saw u on the TCA site - looking to link with local crafters from GTA.

I invite you to check out my blog

RC Reese said...

this turned out wonderful! nice colors and lines.

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