Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bzzz Goes the Bumble Bee

Halloween has got to be one of my favourite 'holidays' - hands down

I thought I'd be more creative this year than usual and make my costume! (versus the costume in a bag). I've always wanted to be a bumble bee, and this was as good of a year as any to be one.

Now...I'm not going to give it to you all at once. And you're actually not seeing much of the costume today either. What you do happen to know now - is that there will most definitely have some sparkle to it :)

you do get to see my cutie pie - Oreo - and now you know what's coming! And no - I didn't stage this I was working with the sequins, he got jealous, and wanted to don some sparkle too.


Alisha said...

Fun! Last year I really wanted to be a bee too, and to make my costume. I feel like yours is going to look way cooler than mine. I also made my husband and dog be bees, like a whole bee family. Yeah, I was pretty hardcore about it. :)
Here's the pics if you wanna see:

kelly.dee said...

I went the bagged costume way this year after making my costume the last three or four years.

The mermaid has been my favourite though I've been thinking of a peacock for a while. Maybe next year!

Splendid Little Stars said...


Oreo looks a lot like my Oliver.