Friday, February 27, 2009
Just so comfy
This lovely top by consciousclothing on Etsy is gorgeous! I love the free flowing nature of it, and just how comfortable it look - perfect for just throwing on on a cool or chilly day, or using to cuddle up by a fire. The ivory colour works perfectly with the design too, creating a wonderful, earth-friendly, piece of clothing. Consciousclothing also has great looking pants to match this top for those days when you want to be all over comfy.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Little lights
I saw these cute little tea light holders by StudioElan on the front page yesterday afternoon / evening. They were adorable and I just knew I had to share them with everyone!
The looks like little carved pieces of birch wood, even though I know they're made of pottery. So pretty :)
The looks like little carved pieces of birch wood, even though I know they're made of pottery. So pretty :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Art Fire Grand Opening Sale!

Well, I have now added all my products to Art Fire, in addition to my store on Etsy (sale is only on Artfire, sorry gals and guys). And so, I thought I would start with a Grand Opening Sale to jump start everything - and come on, who doesn't like a sale? Come visit my store, here!
So everything is 25% off, and the prices have already been adjusted in shop - so taking advantage of this sale is easy peasy :)
Spring in a soap
I am starting to get tired of winter; it's time for spring. I was browsing Art Fire, and came across this one bar of soap, It sounds like spring in a bar of soap!
The soap is so pretty too, such lovely colours...Please come soon spring.
The soap is so pretty too, such lovely colours...Please come soon spring.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Forever and Always
Once a tree is planted beside another, they are there together forever and for always. It's like people, once they choose who they really want: they stick beside them forever and for always, regardless of the weather however harsh and beautiful it may be.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Little Chickadee's
Oreo tends to sleep on my desk a lot while I'm working, and it's right by a window. When little friends come to visit the tree out there, he'll make random and odd noises. Visitors don't come often - hopefully there will be more when it's warm, but this morning two little chickadee's came to visit:

They're known as black-capped chickadee's. This isn't my picture of the little birds - I found it when I was Googled what they looked like, to find out what they exactly were. I'm hoping that maybe there were checking out a new home in that tree and that they might nest there. Not only I would love to see them all summer, but I'm sure Oreo would too!

They're known as black-capped chickadee's. This isn't my picture of the little birds - I found it when I was Googled what they looked like, to find out what they exactly were. I'm hoping that maybe there were checking out a new home in that tree and that they might nest there. Not only I would love to see them all summer, but I'm sure Oreo would too!
Custom Family Forests
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sketch 3

Still not at a sketch a day...but at least I'm at a sketch a once in a while...I saw a blog post tonight by another blogger, Mary - and sketching is so important. Especially for me, because I want to practice gaining some skills in realism - or something close to that. Personal development as an artist, I believe, is very important. Especially when you are teaching yourself.
I came across a beautiful, juicy raspberry picture. I decided that I would draw that. I didn't finish it - I know you can see that. I wanted to focus more on the leaves. And I'm posting it, unfinished, because I know that I will probably never go back to it and finish it. That's the joy about sketches - they don't' have to be finished or complete. Sketches are happy sometimes just sitting in limbo.
Tibit of Inspiration
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I managed to take new pictures of the Celestial collage, noted in my post yesterday, way sooner than I thought! Yippie!
It's a bit more real representation of the colours of the piece now. Here's some detail shots:

It's a bit more real representation of the colours of the piece now. Here's some detail shots:

Pretty Punk Purple
This wallet caught my eye:
It's such a punky purple wallet :) I like it. Reminds me of when I used to wear one of those chain belts - ah, high school...except this wallet has way more class than that belt did. Good thing it broke, who knows - I might still be wearing it lol.
It's such a punky purple wallet :) I like it. Reminds me of when I used to wear one of those chain belts - ah, high school...except this wallet has way more class than that belt did. Good thing it broke, who knows - I might still be wearing it lol.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I just finished this collage tonight. The scanner didn't pick up the lovely colours just right - so I'm going to wait for a nice, sunny day to take them with my camera (I seem to have an issue with scanners and canvas-paintings)

I'm quite impressed on how the collage worked out. I'm still working on my "collaging-skills" It's a mixed media piece - collage and acrylic paint, on canvas board. I decided to call it Celestial. The little 'sunburst' on the left tree, and the stars that just happened to paint their ways into the sky screamed for this name. The piece is about 9 x 12" in size. I can't wait for better pictures so that I can show off the colours more!

I'm quite impressed on how the collage worked out. I'm still working on my "collaging-skills" It's a mixed media piece - collage and acrylic paint, on canvas board. I decided to call it Celestial. The little 'sunburst' on the left tree, and the stars that just happened to paint their ways into the sky screamed for this name. The piece is about 9 x 12" in size. I can't wait for better pictures so that I can show off the colours more!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Little Cotton Tree
I haven't done ACEO / ATC's in a long, long time. For those unfamiliar with these little pieces of artwork, here's a Wikipedia article: link.
I was pondering the idea of making a painting with more pastel / neutral colours, but I just wasn't quite sure. So I thought I'd try it out on an ACEO first; and since I haven't done them in awhile, I thought it would be fun too! It turned out quite well. I think I may just add this idea to the "to do" list :)
I was pondering the idea of making a painting with more pastel / neutral colours, but I just wasn't quite sure. So I thought I'd try it out on an ACEO first; and since I haven't done them in awhile, I thought it would be fun too! It turned out quite well. I think I may just add this idea to the "to do" list :)
Original ACEO painting available at:

Sometimes less is more...
I never had my ears pierced as a child. I actually didn't get them done until I was 19! By then, my belly button was already pierced - what a strange order, yes I know. The ear piercings are still in of course, but the naval has been removed (my body just did not like it, and it never properly healed). Honestly, I think getting the ears done were way worse than the naval, but that's just my opinion hehe.
When I first got my ears done I loved huge earrings. Now, I like the little, subtle ones. I feel that by having less on my ears I'm having more - and it gives me freedom to wear other jewelry without the feeling that I'm over doing it. Mind you, I don't really wear other jewelry...but if I were to, then I'd be set hehe.
Well, I came across these lovely heart studs made of 14k gold by kateszabone on Etsy. They are the perfect type of earrings for me! Not dangly, heavy, extravagant or anything. Simply elegant. Simply perfect. They have been added to my list of rainy day purchases :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day was amazing yesterday! James came down (he's in Barrie, 3-ish hours away, for school to be a paramedic).
We made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, went to the mall for a bit, and than the grocery store. For dinner we made a wonderful meal: roasted chicken (a whole one!), garlic mashed potatoes (he makes the absolute best ones in the world) and green beans. And then, for dessert, I had made a fresh apple pie! It was such a delicious, 'wholesome' meal :) We have never gone out for Valentine's Day; we've always made dinner together - something big that we might not put the effort into normally. It's just so much fun, and romantic, cooking together like that.
And then, we sat down to a movie - Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I love these cutesy movies so much! We had some snacks set out too: some shrimp, some strawberries - and of course, chocolates and wine!

All in all, it was a pretty good Valentine's Day :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Cat Stationery!
So I've taken the two cat paintings, Sweetheart and Whiskers & Fishes, that I did awhile back and made some stationery with them! I've also used the most wonderful envelopes. They are a delicious chocolate brown, and made from 100% recycled material!

It comes in a set of 4 cards, 2 of each design, and are perfect for anytime moments :)

It comes in a set of 4 cards, 2 of each design, and are perfect for anytime moments :)

Available at:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Abstract Painting: Star Gazing
I have a new painting that I've been keeping in hiding for the past few weeks - but with good reason. This painting is highly textured (the yellow bits protrude from the painting slightly), and it's very glossy. The perfect formula for a painting that is impossible to capture on film. I have a few more pictures to take before I can list it for sale, but I will definitely let you know when that happens! Until then;
A Lightbulb in the Corner
There's something about sculpture that's just so appealing to me. I want is so much, but then at the same time, I wouldn't know where to put it. It's a double edged-knife with me. Maybe one day, I'll find perfect little spots for some wonderful sculpture - but that isn't happening in the lifetime of student housing.

Aura, a glass and concrete sculpture by scenicartisans, is wonderful. I love the uniqueness to the piece, and the contrasts of translucent and opaque, and rough and smooth, warm and cool colours. I also find it very intriguing, just looking at it, and trying to 'figure it out'. Every piece of art has a meaning behind it, whether the artist intended it or not. <- That's a concept I hold fairly strongly too. Just in my own experience of creating - having a set-in-stone plan, and then having it change as I progress through the piece; to have a piece that never meant what I originally had wanted it to, but definitely still meant something.

Aura, a glass and concrete sculpture by scenicartisans, is wonderful. I love the uniqueness to the piece, and the contrasts of translucent and opaque, and rough and smooth, warm and cool colours. I also find it very intriguing, just looking at it, and trying to 'figure it out'. Every piece of art has a meaning behind it, whether the artist intended it or not. <- That's a concept I hold fairly strongly too. Just in my own experience of creating - having a set-in-stone plan, and then having it change as I progress through the piece; to have a piece that never meant what I originally had wanted it to, but definitely still meant something.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Nourish Love Print Set
The Nourish Love watercolor painting is now available in a print set!
Stationery Coming Soon :)
Stationery Coming Soon :)
This has been in my favourites for a little while now, and I'm pretty sure I saw it on the front page! The Goldie necklace, by VerreEncore on Etsy is adorable. And look, it matches my banner! Hehe.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Teeny Tiny Etsy Purchase...
I came across the lovely seller, iwawa, in the forums on Etsy one day - I was intrigued by her avatar, and when I came to her store, I saw the loveliest, cutest items! I couldn't help myself, and so I'm justifying this purchase as supplies. I need to buy tape for my packages! No harm in making them pretty at the same time, now is there?
These tapes will look amazing against the brown-paper-bag colour of my envelopes! I can't wait to get them in the mail now :)

Some alterations...
I changed a bit of the right side bar of my blog today. I thought it was starting to look too cluttered, and I wanted to look more 'customed' and personal. Windows to my Etsy (Jellybeans & Artbyangie) and Artfire stores are still there, just more towards the bottom; with special links direct to them at the top. I'm thinking about a banner change, again - yes I know - I'm just starting to wonder if it's a little too plain for the top, althought I love the kitty up there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with the white background for everything. It's refreshing hehe.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
So I'm sure you've all seen at least one preview for the Coraline Movie. If you haven't, then you should most definitely check out the previews, I love these sort of cartoonishy movies. Anyways, they have this cool function, where you can make yourself have button eyes like those in the movie, here's mine:
Creepy, yes no?

Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Art Fire Viewer!
I think I finally have this viewer thing figured out! ... or maybe not, we will just have to post and see :)
Painting, again
So I didn't get as much homework / readings done as I had anticipated....but I did get some more of the painting done! :D

So, I painted more rocks, and added some more. As well, I started the dark outlining around everything, and I repeated the 'background' a more colourful blue. I thought I had better do that before getting into all those tiny stones towards the other side of the painting. I'm starting to get anxious about the water, although it's still a ways away...I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle it.
Oh, and it's size for those wondering is 12 x 12". And did I tell you how much I love my art aisle?! I don't get to use it at all with the watercolors, so it's been just sitting there for the longest time.
I'm hoping to get enough readings done to justify painting again. I've started to find an abnormal calm with this painting, it's surprising me.
So, I painted more rocks, and added some more. As well, I started the dark outlining around everything, and I repeated the 'background' a more colourful blue. I thought I had better do that before getting into all those tiny stones towards the other side of the painting. I'm starting to get anxious about the water, although it's still a ways away...I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle it.
Oh, and it's size for those wondering is 12 x 12". And did I tell you how much I love my art aisle?! I don't get to use it at all with the watercolors, so it's been just sitting there for the longest time.
I'm hoping to get enough readings done to justify painting again. I've started to find an abnormal calm with this painting, it's surprising me.
Painting continued...
Friday, February 6, 2009
What have I gotten myself into....
I have a painting in progress to share with you :) It seemed like such a great idea at the start, but now I'm realizing a flaw in the plan: there are so many rocks to paint! Hehe. No lies, this one might take awhile to get done. I haven't done anything with so much detail in awhile, it kinda feels nice - and exhausting - at the same time. It's only going to get more meticulous with the smaller the stones; but I'm expecting a good end result, or at least, fingers crossed! Please don't mind the pictures, they weren't edited in photoshop for colour correction or anything.
I have a coat of light blue for the 'background' - just so I'm not painting on white, and to mute the white a little. As well, some of the stones drawn in with blue paint.
Here are some of the stone painted in. I'm using a bunch of different, "unnatural" colours. I know it doesn't make it look 100% realistic, but I think it makes it more interesting :)
Here's a close up, the colours are a little bit muted here by the camera. As you can see, lots and lots of work. There's still more stones to put in than just the ones already drawn in; so like my title, I don't know what I've gotten myself into hehe.
It'll be awhile before this piece is done, but I'll keep you posted :)
It'll be awhile before this piece is done, but I'll keep you posted :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009 guessed it
...yes, it's another new blog layout.
I loved my painting Whiskers and Fishes so much I wanted it in my banner (see below post ;)
But, I'm not sure if I'm going to put a background though.
Pretty positive I'm not.
I loved my painting Whiskers and Fishes so much I wanted it in my banner (see below post ;)
But, I'm not sure if I'm going to put a background though.
Pretty positive I'm not.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Cat's Meow!
Andy Warhol is the cat's meow, in my mind at least right now!
I love his work, and I was recently inspired by his cat series, one of which a print hangs in my bedroom:

And I know, the sketch a day idea has been lacking. So, to make up for it, I have two paintings that I was inspired by him to do, using two basic colours with large blocks of colour, and black ink outlining. It's hard to try and break everything down to basics, and pick colours accordingly, but I tried my best. Of course, they're not as messily strategically done - but they're pretty cute :)
Sweetheart - Watercolour and ink on watercolor paper.
This piece is based on a photo of my lovely baby, Oreo. Sweetheart, named accordingly because he's such a suck of a dear :)
Whiskers & Fishes - Watercolour and ink on watercolor paper
This painting came to mind when I was painting of the first, "Whiskers & Fishes" just came to find, and my first correlation with it was 'Hugs & Kisses' - which is of course ironic, because we all know those fishes aren't getting loving kisses once the cat gets to them.
I love his work, and I was recently inspired by his cat series, one of which a print hangs in my bedroom:

And I know, the sketch a day idea has been lacking. So, to make up for it, I have two paintings that I was inspired by him to do, using two basic colours with large blocks of colour, and black ink outlining. It's hard to try and break everything down to basics, and pick colours accordingly, but I tried my best. Of course, they're not as messily strategically done - but they're pretty cute :)

This piece is based on a photo of my lovely baby, Oreo. Sweetheart, named accordingly because he's such a suck of a dear :)

This painting came to mind when I was painting of the first, "Whiskers & Fishes" just came to find, and my first correlation with it was 'Hugs & Kisses' - which is of course ironic, because we all know those fishes aren't getting loving kisses once the cat gets to them.
These pieces will be place up for sale in awhile. I want to try and search for some awesome vintage frames to suit their later inspired period; I'm not sure yet if they'll be in my Jellybeans or Artbyangie Etsy stores yet either. I think they'll fit the later, but they're nice and simple like the pieces in the first. So many decisions!
Etsy Love: Something bright on a dull winter day..
Winter is starting to get "blah", the novelty is starting to wear off. Except on snowboarding days :) I came across this very cheerful little piece of sunshine:
This cheery piece by sunnyrising on Etsy is the perfect medicine on a day like today :)
This cheery piece by sunnyrising on Etsy is the perfect medicine on a day like today :)
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